Day 91 – New Year’s Resolutions are Gross

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Hey there, Future Millionaires! Welcome back to our journey on day 91. If you’ve been following the TikTok updates, you know it’s been a grind of me working at my computer from various locations. Today’s a special day though – it’s Friday, my designated no-work day. But, it’s not a day off by any means; it’s when I film my content in batches.

The Power of Batching and Leveraging Content

I’ve realized the efficiency of filming content all at once. This week, I got lucky – my recent live stream provided material for three or four long-form videos. It’s a rare but welcome occurrence, making content creation a bit smoother. Today, I uploaded two videos on my main channel, one on my secondary channel, and even got around to updating my thumbnail spreadsheet for next week. Efficiency at its best!

Ad Revenue, YouTube, and Seasonal Fluctuations

Speaking of YouTube, ad revenue is in a bit of a slump post-Black Friday. Both my channels are experiencing about a 40% drop in earnings. It’s a stark reminder of the volatile nature of online income streams. But, I’m not too fussed – I’ve got my sights set on larger goals.

The Future Millionaire Planner: A Game Changer

Most of today, though, was spent refining the Future Millionaire Planner. It’s not just a planner; it’s a transformation tool. I’ve tweaked it to focus on OKR (Objectives and Key Results) goals, making it more effective in tracking progress. The new structure focuses on a single objective per month, intensifying the focus and hopefully, the results. It’s a method I’m excited to implement, shifting from juggling multiple objectives to a more streamlined approach.

Real Talk: The New Year’s Resolution Syndrome

As New Year’s Eve approaches, I can’t help but reflect on the surge of temporary motivation that floods in with resolutions. It’s a cycle of ambition and often, subsequent disappointment. It reminds me of a great book, “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg, which emphasizes the importance of discipline over fleeting motivation. This philosophy is something I’m trying to embed in my own journey – building lasting habits rather than chasing temporary inspirations.

Habit Building: My Personal Challenge

Building habits is a personal challenge I’ve taken up. Whether it’s focusing on healthier routines or finding efficiency in my work, it’s all about creating sustainable practices. Sure, I slip up sometimes – like my energy drink habit every morning – but it’s a work in progress.

Celebrating Milestones: YouTube Growth

On a brighter note, my YouTube channel is about to hit 30k subscribers! It’s been a long journey since I started it in 2009 with BMX videos. To celebrate, I’ve recorded a video breaking down the earnings from a channel of this size – stay tuned for that!

Wrapping Up Day 91

It’s been a long day, and as 3 AM approaches, I still have editing to do. But the journey is exciting, and sharing it with all of you makes it even more worthwhile. Thanks for joining me on this grind. Let’s see what day 92 has in store for us!

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Episode 91