Day 105 – Hold yourself accountable

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to my daily check-in. It’s day 105 of my journey towards becoming a millionaire. These daily videos are my way of documenting my progress, sharing my thoughts, and hopefully, once I reach my goal, you can look back and see how it all unfolded.

In the early days, things were looking up. I was making decent affiliate money, but now, I find myself more reliant on my day job. It’s tough, but as they say, sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward. This journey, to me, feels like a big, thrilling simulation game.

Finding Joy in the Challenge

I love simulation games because they’re all about strategizing and winning. Life, in a lot of ways, is similar. We’re all on this planet, each with different starting points. Some are born with better ‘stats’ or more luck, but at the end of the day, life is what it is.

Embracing Stoicism

Lately, I’ve been exploring Stoicism, inspired by “How to Think Like a Roman Emperor.” One key takeaway from Stoicism is not to attach too much value to life’s events. They just happen. It’s not about labeling them as good or bad but accepting them as they are. It’s something I’m striving to incorporate more into my mindset.

Work Life and Its Challenges

Today was a typical Saturday. Working doubles at my job has been financially rewarding, especially with the higher tips on weekends. Despite the fatigue and the struggle to get out of bed (thanks to cutting out caffeine), I still find a way to push through.

The Importance of Sleep and Experimenting with Polyphasic Sleep

I’ve experimented with polyphasic sleep to maximize my waking hours. It was challenging, and I had to revert to regular sleep patterns. But, the dream is to master this someday, perhaps in a more flexible setting like Bali.

The Simplicity and Efficiency of Meal Prepping

I’ve realized the importance of staying on top of meal prepping. It’s simple – chicken, potatoes, and broccoli – but it’s efficient and cost-effective. A lapse in this routine can lead to unnecessary expenses, something I experienced firsthand.

The Power of Setting Priorities

After a long day, I come home to a list of tasks. Knowing my priorities for the month helps me focus. For instance, editing videos is my current top priority. It’s about understanding what needs to be done and doing it, even if it’s not what you feel like doing.

It’s crucial to view yourself as both the boss and the employee. The boss sets the tasks, and the employee follows through. This mindset shift is vital for productivity, especially in entrepreneurial ventures. As I’ve learned, it’s not about what you want to do, but what needs to be done to move forward.

Structuring Work Like a Job

Just like in a traditional job, where tasks are assigned based on priority, the same approach is needed in personal projects. This strategy is outlined brilliantly in Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art.” It’s about showing up every day, clocking in and out, and treating your project with the same seriousness as a regular job.

Learning to delegate tasks is also key. If something is crucial for progress but isn’t within your skillset or interest, find someone who can do it. It’s about ensuring that the essential tasks are being completed, whether by you or someone else.

Concluding Thoughts: Day 105

Today’s reflection boils down to understanding and prioritizing tasks. It’s about cutting out distractions, focusing on what’s important, and treating your goals with the same discipline you would in a formal job setting.

Thank you all for your support, comments, and ideas. It’s day 105, and the journey continues. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update on day 106. Remember, it’s about the grind, the growth, and the journey towards becoming a Future Millionaire!

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Episode 105