Day 110 – Important Tasks FIRST

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Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my journey towards becoming a millionaire—currently on day 110. The past week has been somewhat inconsistent in terms of documentation. I’ve missed filming a few days, including yesterday, mainly because the days have been quite uneventful. My routine has mostly involved waking up, doing a bit of editing, working, working out, and just trying to keep up with the daily grind. It’s been a repetitive cycle, and frankly, I’ve been feeling extremely exhausted.

The Challenges of Cutting Out Caffeine

Interestingly, this exhaustion might partly be due to my recent decision to quit caffeine cold turkey. After years of starting my mornings with 200 to 300 mg of caffeine—thanks to my long-standing relationship with energy drinks like Bang—I decided to take a break. The initial days were tough, marked by headaches and a significant dip in energy levels. However, the symptoms have begun to subside. The transition has been challenging, and I’ve noticed a shift in my sleep patterns and even my dreams, which seems to have re-emerged after a long absence.

The Power of Willpower and the Annoyance of Withdrawal

This experience has made me reflect on the power of willpower. Quitting a habit that’s been a part of your daily ritual for years is daunting. However, I’ve realized it’s more about the annoyance of withdrawal rather than the difficulty of quitting. It boils down to the determination and the genuine desire to break free from a habit. Despite the temptation to reach for an energy drink, it’s ultimately about exercising control and making conscious choices.

Reorganizing Life: Prioritizing Health and Productivity

To combat the lethargy, I’ve reshaped my daily routine. Starting the day with a gym session has been a game changer. It not only energizes me but also ensures that I’m prioritizing my health and productivity right from the start. This strategy aligns with the advice of planning your day around non-negotiables like sleep and exercise, ensuring they’re not pushed aside by less critical tasks. It’s a lesson in prioritizing what truly matters and restructuring life to accommodate these essentials.

Contemplating Future Moves: From Phoenix to New Mexico

On the horizon, there are decisions to be made about my living situation. As my lease nears its end, the prospect of increased living expenses looms large. The dilemma is whether to stay in Phoenix or move back to New Mexico, where the cost of living is significantly lower. This decision is not just about finances; it’s about weighing the pros and cons, including the potential impact on my income sources and the quality of life for Joey, my dog.

Exploring Freelance Opportunities and the Challenge of Self-Promotion

In parallel to these considerations, I’m exploring avenues to expand my income streams. The idea of offering social media and website services is on the table. My journey of growing YouTube channels and Instagram accounts stands testament to my skills in this domain. However, the challenge lies in securing clients, especially given my aversion to cold calling and the discomfort it brings. It’s a hurdle I need to overcome to leverage my skills fully and offer value to potential clients.

Reflections on Progress and the Influence of Social Media

As I continue on this path, the pace of progress is a constant point of reflection. The world of social media often paints a distorted picture of success, showcasing overnight triumphs and setting unrealistic benchmarks. This constant comparison can sometimes be disheartening. Yet, it’s crucial to acknowledge that everyone’s journey is unique, and progress cannot always be measured against the viral success stories that flood our feeds.

Moving Forward: Staying True to the Grind

As tomorrow marks day 111 of this journey, the focus remains on staying true to the grind. While the days may not always be eventful, each step, whether big or small, is a move towards the ultimate goal. It’s about staying committed, continually reassessing and adjusting the strategy, and most importantly, keeping the faith in the process.

To everyone who’s been part of this journey since the early days, your support means the world. The journey is long, and the grind is real, but together, we’re making progress, one day at a time. Let’s keep pushing forward, and I’ll catch up with you all on the next check-in. Stay tuned!

For more insights and strategies on managing finances and planning for the future, don’t forget to check out Future Millionaire Planner.

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Episode 110