Day 121 – What am I doing wrong?

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Hey everyone, welcome back! It’s day 121 of my journey to becoming a millionaire. These daily check-ins are where I track my progress, and honestly, it’s been a challenging ride. Day 121 feels even tougher than day one. I started with decent affiliate income from my YouTube channel, but now, in these typically slower months of late December, January, and February, things are looking bleak. It’s a stark reminder, as the wise Hormozi says, to be thoughtful about the industry and area you choose.

From Passion to Practicality: A Crossroads in My Journey

I’m at a crossroads now, feeling torn between continuing on my current path or venturing into new territories. Despite my love for BMX and the joy of building up my channels, the financial returns are diminishing. It’s a harsh reality: the industry I’m passionate about might not be the most lucrative. But then again, there’s something fulfilling about creating content around a hobby I love.

The thought of going pro as a rider once excited me, but the reality of low pay and high injury risk shifted my focus towards creating a media company. Now, I’m contemplating different niches—like motorcycle vlogging or survival and doomsday prepping. These areas might offer better financial prospects, but it’s a gamble. Do I stick with BMX, where growth is slow but steady, or leap into a new niche with potentially higher rewards?

Balancing Passion and Profit: The Struggle of a Content Creator

The journey hasn’t been easy. My motivation has dipped, and discipline is harder to maintain. I’m juggling multiple channels, trying to outsource editing, and dealing with fluctuating incomes. It’s a balancing act between creating high-quality content and managing the financial aspects of running these channels. The return on investment isn’t always immediate, and sometimes I wonder if focusing all my energy on one project might yield better results.

Reflection and Decision: The Path Ahead

As I reflect on this journey, I realize the importance of laser focus. In 2019, when I concentrated solely on SEO and growing my website, I saw significant success. Now, with multiple projects dividing my attention, it feels like I’m stalling. Choosing one area to focus on might be the key to reigniting my growth and passion.

I’ve learned a lot over the years—about building websites, growing a social media following, monetizing channels, and repurposing content. Maybe it’s time to consolidate these skills and focus on one project that can drive me towards my goal. It’s a tough decision, but one that needs to be made.

The Takeaway: Focus and Vision in Building Your Brand

For all of you out there building your channels and brands, remember the importance of focus. Think of your brand as a lighthouse: you need to be at the top, watching the horizon for trends and changes, while others handle the groundwork. Don’t get bogged down in the minutiae; keep your eyes on the future and steer your brand in the right direction.

And if you’re enjoying my journey, don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your feedback and tips on brand building are always welcome. Let’s keep learning and growing together. Here’s to another day of grinding towards that million-dollar dream.

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Episode 121